Our Opportunities

Pit Bands

Our Musical Performances are in need of pit band members! Currently looking for band members for:

The Lightning Thief and Rent as a part of our 2024 Juvenis Festival (May 2nd-12th 2024)

Viva Voce/Songs and Spirits

Created by Tiana Prince and Alex Oliver in 2014, Viva Voce is a free storytelling coffeehouse presented 3-4 times a year. This event showcases young people telling stories connected by a different theme specific to each installation. The stories are not always presented in the oral tradition, Viva Voce explores all ways to tell stories, through song, dance, dramatization, and other creative ways.

A cabaret-style concert featuring youth performers, Songs & Spirits is a great chance to get involved with Blue Canoe through a smaller commitment than a full musical production. This event has been performed in pubs around Kingston and in a virtual format online!

Contact us.
